In the previous article we have made an introduction to the topic of the 4 Spiritual Laws taught in India. Among other things, we have said that they never arrive by chance, nor do they arrive first for the cautious or later to heal the wounds... they simply arrive at the right time.


We remember that the first is: 1-"The person who arrives is the right person" , that is, no one comes into our lives by chance, all the people around us, who interact with us, are there for something, to make us learn and advance in each situation.

The second law says: 2- "What happens is the only thing that could have happened . " Nothing, but nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been any other way. Although the opinion is widespread that everything has also had to do in one way or another depending on our will or where a decision of ours has mediated, we add that we are part of a complex network that is in constant movement, in which We are part of it, so even when in our eyes it seems that something has happened, and that it has not depended directly or consciously on our will, something has made us be in that situation. So the WHOLE is not simply the sum of the parts, but also their relationships.

Having said that, it is about accepting the present moment from an attitude of peace with the past. Sometimes we spend years of our lives tied up in a moment that we consider key, in a decision or in a painful moment in which we also try to keep our distance to avoid the feeling of guilt or, on the contrary, to affirm it. What happened was the only thing that could have happened, and it had to have been that way for us to learn that lesson and move on. Each and every situation that happens to us in our lives is perfect, although our mind and our ego resist and do not want to accept it.

There is no way to remedy the past, among other things because it does not exist, so how are we going to live with a decision not made in the past? Then the matter loses meaning from every point of view, but even so we remain in the pain of a moment that not only cannot we change, but that has been perfect in its time so that today you are in this present moment, reading this wonderful law.

The third law says: 3- "Any time it begins is the right time . " Everything begins at the right time, neither before nor after. When we are ready for something new to begin in our lives, that is when it will begin.

Thinking that there is something we can no longer do is a matter of the previous law. With this law we make a transition to the present time. The moment you decide to start is the perfect moment, it is not about wasting time regretting the lost time. Nor is it about avoiding it, postponing it or giving up before starting it. It's about this moment that you have chosen to incorporate changes to do what you want to do, is the perfect moment. Not before, not after.

And the fourth and last law says: 4- "When something ends, it ends . " Just like that. If something ended in our lives, it is for our evolution, therefore it is better to leave it, move on and advance already enriched with that experience.

There is no way to move forward as long as you retain what binds you to the past. Always before ending something, remember to put the final point. Live the corresponding grief, it is normal that you feel homesick, that changes can bring an annoying feeling, you have time and that must be respected. Once the intensity of the emotions has decreased (the path to your center), once the lesson is learned, honor the experience, send love and continue on your path.



Entrevista del 15/09/2014 11:09 AM

Maryuris Padrino y Pedro Rincón en el programa "Con la música por dentro" de 100.5 FM en la ciudad de Maracay en Venezuela, conversan con Adrián García, Director y Editor del portal sobre las 4 Leyes de la Espiritualidad, editorial del día 15/09/2014.







Adrián García | @adriangarcia_




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