In India these four laws of spirituality are taught, surely you have heard of them at some point, but the thing is that they never come into your life by chance. Someone once told me that they are quite logical and that they do not deserve to be reflected upon or that they do not add anything new to knowledge, because they are assumed in common sense, to which I responded: “Just as the bases that support buildings are assumed and already "They are not taken into account once the facade is painted, the simplest things are usually the most important, even when they are no longer observed."


I am sure that each of these laws has an immense wealth of wisdom and that what we say about them will never be enough, because their treasure is not in the complexity of our understanding but in the simplicity and its meditation.

1- "The person who arrives is the right person" , that is, no one comes into our lives by chance, all the people around us, who interact with us, are there for something, to make us learn and advance in each situation .

How many times have we thought, said or heard phrases like: that was not the partner or the job for you? There are even those who say it about their home, country or family... The result: A permanent battle with the past that does not allow personal development.

Every person in life is a teacher. In some cases we are students and in others we are teachers of others. What we resist always persists in our life, and is the cause of suffering (the intensity of the suffering will depend on the degree of resistance to the present moment) so life will continue to give us people from whom we cannot stand something to learn and until we do. Let's learn, we won't graduate in that aspect. Just as when we repair some matter, in the same way we repeat the same situations over and over again when we assume that those people who pass through our lives are, at best, accidents (when we believe that it does not depend on us) or when we value as bad or good choices.
Or, people are put on our path who become a flashlight of light that illuminates our path and guides us to where we should go and not where we thought it should be.

Take into account that what bothers you about someone is what you may need to work on in your life and also always adds up to the good in each person, it is what we recognize in the other because it is in us beating or roaring like an imprisoned or repressed beast.
We all learn from each other, the trick is to identify what others contribute to our path and growth.

When that person has created pain in you, it is not about staying in the pain or responding from the pain with more violence. Once the emotion cools down a bit, understanding that that person has come into your life to teach you that you are more than that situation is the first step to go to the second: Forgiveness.

Invoking forgetfulness is not about forgiving, it is about increasing the chances that you will repeat the same situations with the same person or with a different person. In this sense, “turning the page” is honoring that person, thanking them for the lesson (even when for us it was in the worst way).

Turning the page is not prolonging the pain that has turned into suffering, it is breaking the chains of the past, it is reducing the degree of resistance, it is assuming that once you have learned the lesson you now have strength.
Let us then honor all the people who have marked our lives, because they have been true teachers.




Entrevista del 15/09/2014 11:09 AM

Maryuris Padrino y Pedro Rincón en el programa "Con la música por dentro" de 100.5 FM en la ciudad de Maracay en Venezuela, conversan con Adrián García, Director y Editor del portal sobre las 4 Leyes de la Espiritualidad, editorial del día 15/09/2014.




Adrián García | @adriangarcia_




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