Suffering is, to a large extent, resistance to the present moment, which is why we find in these four precepts an excellent guideline that we can exercise:

1- "The person who arrives is the correct person."
No one comes into our lives by chance, all the people who surround us and interact with us are there for a reason, to make us learn and advance in each situation. We have not always chosen them as teachers, but it is always a pending lesson.

2- "What happens is the only thing that could have happened."
Nothing, but nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been any other way. Not even the most insignificant detail. There is no such thing as: "if I had done such a thing... such a thing would have happened..." No.What happened was the only thing that could have happened, and it had to have been that way for us to learn that lesson and move on.
Each and every situation that happens to us in our lives is perfect, although our mind and our ego resist and do not want to accept it.

3- "Any time it starts is the right time."
Everything begins at the right time, neither before nor after. When we are ready for something new to begin in our lives, that is when it will begin.

4- "When something ends, it ends."
Just like that. If something ended in our lives, it is for our evolution, therefore it is better to leave it, move on and advance already enriched with that experience.If this text comes into our lives it is because we are prepared to understand that no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place!


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