When I sat down, I looked ahead and AMMI told me: "Today, the moon is dangerous. It hides behind the clouds that are its accomplices, those clouds that can be seen, those that are only wandering thoughts that cover its gentleness and make it visible threatening when in reality she is shy.
That night I saw on my bed the stool, the tablecloths, the cold blanket, the ghost that unabashedly touched my cheeks..."


I told her:
I closed my eyes and I could see, with greater clarity than I had ever seen, I could smell, feel, hear and taste the taste of the wind that covered me...

She told me:
"I saw myself sitting... in the eyes of the moon, she covered me with her hair and held me with her scarlet neck..."

I commented:
Cold and Heat were confused in her, in my body and soul.

To which she responded:
"Only his navel was my guide... my bare feet longed for the direction outside the pillows that were supposed to be my bed..."

I looked again as I closed my eyes and there she was, in front of my face, I didn't know if she was breathing for me or for her, her breath was mine,
my heart was beating faster and faster until it became a sound like a baby bird trying to breathe. of standing firm in the middle of the wind,
It was the first time that I saw him... that I spoke to him... that we met... that we wrote together.

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