The night was cold and I could only think about you
It was dark and clear, I looked at the sky and it was like looking inside myself
I only remembered you and listened to you, your laughter, oh your laughter!
Your penetrating gaze as if wanting to say something,
As if you knew me more than myself.
Your song, your patience, your breath.


Today I see you and I would like not to see you, just to hug you,
Today I listen to you and I would like you not to speak, but to listen,
That you would listen to what I have to tell you
, What I want to tell you,
I need you.…


I see you again and I see you so close,
As if we were not separated
It's like talking to you in this starry sky.
Like we had done so many times before.

Only now you're not by my side.Untitled and Dedicated Poem
01/17/2011 04:27 am

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